Invest in Yourself

Your health is an investment not an expense.

It's easy to make these sort statements when one has the option or opportunity to choose. For many people it is survival mode 24/7. Choosing the essentials only, is the only option and just barely making it is the results.

If we are lucky enough to be in a position to choose. One should always choose what's best for our mind, body and soul. Recently, I was lucky enough to choose to invest in my health by enrolling in Beach Body and  becoming a coach (BBC).  With this subscription I received my 1st month of Shakeology and year subscription of unlimited workout videos on demand. So far, it was a great investment already resulting in weight loss dividends. I mean, when your old trainer tells you "OMG JMe you look thin, what are you doing" not even a month into starting Shakeology then you KNOW you're doing something right.

I know weight loss is just a numbers game. If you burn more
than you consume you should be able to burn fat and lose weight. For the longest time, I tried to find the right combo (physical activity & food). Tried all diets and fads but not truly committing to a long term workout plan. I was a member to a Boutique gym which was great. Great community, great classes, and great instructors. But regardless of how much I enjoyed the classes and instructors I still didn't find myself committing to the program. Sometimes going an entire month without checking in to one class. At this gym I went as far as to committing to a 14day extreme workout challenge which I LOVED. It was hard and a HUGE commitment mentally, physically and financially. We were introduced to a no sodium strict diet where some days we were required to drink 2 gallons of water😲. Along with the strict diet we committed to  2 hr workout group sessions which usually ended at almost 11p. I was exhausted. I felt guilty for spending so much time and money on myself when we (my husband & I) truly didn't have it. But I did it. I was introduced to the first gym I actually felt apart of the community and wasn't afraid to make eye contact with members or trainers and even dared to spark conversation. It was great, they are great. The most positive, motivating and inspiring group of people I ever met.

Till this day I still continue with the essentials that I've learned from this gym. Still "no"-
to-very low sodium. I opt for no sodium seasonings and Himalayan Pink Salt when my body SCREAMS for salt. I'm excited to continue Shakeology.   It helps set the tone for my day. I start with probably the best "chocolate milk" I've ever had in my life and continue to make right choices throughout the day. Salads over fast food and high protein snacks and options for the rest of the day.
With little to no physical activity I feel good! And I know I'm on the right path to looking my best. I see the head turns 😜


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